Central American Guest Workers Can Get 6,000 US Visas

Workers from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador have an opportunity to come to the US for work thanks to the Biden Administration setting aside 6,000 seasonal guest worker visas. This is a step toward opening more legal pathways to the US from the region. The visas would be a part of the 22,000 H-2B US visas open to employers in the fiscal year, which ends on September 30, according to the US Department of Homeland Security. Business groups pushed for the increase, but is opposed by labor unions. President Biden has confronted the number of immigrants waiting at the US-Mexico border, including unaccompanied children and families. In March 2021, close to 85,000 of the immigrants stopped at the border were from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

There are many opportunities available for you and your family living in America. Connect with ABD Goc Hizmetleri today and begin the application process for the Green Card Lottery.

The number of yearly allotment of US visas

Officials of the Biden Administration have asked immigrants to not come to the border while systems are being set up that allow them to seek asylum or come through legal pathways. The extra H-2B visas are in addition to the yearly allotment of 66,000 US visas for the year, which were used up in February. The visas are allowed for landscaping, hotel work, and food processing.

Contact ABD Goc Hizmetleri for assistance applying for the Green Card Lottery. The United States is welcoming to newcomers and understand the value they bring to the economy and culture.